perm filename TONG.XGP[NOT,DBL] blob sn#196194 filedate 1976-01-15 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
␈↓ ↓H␈↓␈↓¬S␈↓∧ Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford, California 94305

␈↓ ↓H␈↓∧Telephone 415-497-1391␈↓ 	pJanuary 15, 1976
␈↓ ↓H␈↓∧or  415-497-4971

␈↓ ↓H␈↓Professor Fred Tonge
␈↓ ↓H␈↓Department of Information and Computer Science
␈↓ ↓H␈↓University of California
␈↓ ↓H␈↓Irvine, California

␈↓ ↓H␈↓Dear Professor Tonge,

␈↓ ↓H␈↓In␈α⊂November,␈α∂1975␈α⊂I␈α∂mailed␈α⊂you␈α∂an␈α⊂abstract␈α∂for␈α⊂my␈α∂ACM␈α⊂Computer␈α∂Scince␈α⊂Conference␈α∂talk,

␈↓ ↓H␈↓entitled␈α∩␈↓↓Automated␈α∩Math␈α∩Theory␈α∪Formation␈↓.␈α∩This␈α∩will␈α∩be␈α∪a␈α∩brief␈α∩description␈α∩of␈α∪my␈α∩doctoral

␈↓ ↓H␈↓research.␈α Since␈αthen,␈αI␈αhave␈αnot␈αreceived␈α␈↓↓any␈↓␈αcommunication␈αabout␈αthe␈αconference␈α(e.g.,␈αwhether,

␈↓ ↓H␈↓when, and where I would be speaking).

␈↓ ↓H␈↓Ed␈αFeigenbaum,␈α
my␈αadviser,␈α
has␈αsuggested␈α
that␈αI␈α
send␈αthis␈αnote␈α
to␈αyou,␈α
to␈αask␈α
if␈αthere␈α
has␈αbeen

␈↓ ↓H␈↓any di≠culty, or if this is the normal procedure.  Please reply in any case, either to Ed or myself.

␈↓ ↓H␈↓I look forward to hearing from you soon, and to a productive meeting next month.

␈↓ ↓H␈↓␈↓ εSincerely,

␈↓ ↓H␈↓␈↓ ¬WDouglas B. Lenat